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How to Choose the Right Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online?

Do you want to establish your Private Limited Company but need clarification about choosing the appropriate name for the company? To register Pvt Ltd Company online in India, the first and most crucial step is to select a proper name for your company. As we all know, the name of your company is the identity of that company. So, it will be better to choose a suitable name for the Private Limited Company Registration in India. The selected name of your company represents the company. Hence, it will be easy for potential customers to find & remember your Private Limited Company registration. So, you should choose the name of your company carefully.

Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online

Always keep in mind that you can’t choose any name for your company during the Private Limited Company registration process. So, you should select your company name as per the naming guidelines that have been set under the Companies Act 2013. The name of your company reflects the values & missions of your respective private company. Hence, you should select a solid & appropriate company name during Pvt Ltd Company registration online so that you can stand firm in the competitive digital business landscape. In this comprehensive blog, we will discuss how you can choose an appropriate name for your company.

Why it is Important to Choose the Right Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online?

Sometimes entrepreneurs thought that what is there in name, they can choose any name. But no, that’s not true! The right company name is everything for a Private Limited Company Registration. It is essential to select an appropriate name for your company. Here, in this section of the blog, we will tell you about the importance of choosing an appropriate name for your company-

  • First Impression

We all know that the first impression is the last impression. The company name is the first thing that people learn about your business. Hence, the name of your company has a solid impact on the minds of the people and creates an initial impression. 

  • Brand Identity

If you select the name of your company, then it will help you to lay a rigid foundation for establishing a solid & memorable brand identity in the minds of the customers.

  • Brand Story

The correct name will tell about the story, objective and values of your brand. It will become easy for the customers to relate emotionally to your business.

  • Unique Identity

A proper name creates a unique identity of your brand that helps your company to stand distinctive from its competitors. It will differentiate your brand in the crowded business landscape.

  • Marketing Strategies

Choosing a good name helps in marketing campaigns & strategies. It will also help in creating memorable and effective advertisements.

  • Word of Mouth

Customers can easily remember a catchy & straightforward name. It enhances the possibility of word-of-mouth referrals, which is the best way of marketing.

  • Credibility and Trust

A professional and appropriate name helps in building trust and also conveys the reliability. If you don’t choose the right name, then it will result in negative perceptions and doubt on the credibility of your business.

  • Target Audience Alignment

A name that connects to your target audience can help in attracting customers. Your chosen name should be in accordance with their expectations and cultural norms.

Key Considerations to Choose Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online

It can be confusing to select an appropriate name for Private Limited Company Registration. However, you can navigate this confusion by remembering some of the key considerations when choosing a name. As per the naming guidelines under the Companies Act 2013, you have to keep the given points in mind while selecting the name. Here are the key considerations-

  • Name Should be Unique

You should have to choose the name of the company that has not been similar to the name of any other existing company or the name or trademark that has been approved by ROC, i.e. Registrar of Companies.

  • Name Reflects the Business Activity

You should have to choose a name for your company that reflects your business activity and also conveys the mission of your business. The name should not contain any misleading information about business activity and mission. 

  • Name should be simple

As word of mouth is the best marketing strategy, so the name you choose for your company should be simple but catchy. If you choose such name for your company, then it will be easy for the people to pronounce and remember it.

  • Avoid using prohibited words

The name of the company should not contain any prohibited words as per the naming guidelines of the Companies Act 2013. The prohibited words have been specified under Section 4(2) and 8 of Companies Act 2013.

  • Use of words “Private Limited” at the end

It is legally mandatory to use the suffix, which is “Private Limited” as the last part of the name. It is compulsory for all the companies that have been registered under the Companies Act 2013 to add the suffix of “Private Limited” at the end.

  • Government Connections

The name of the company should not suggest any connection with the Government of India, State Government or any local authorities unless you have obtained the appropriate permissions.

  • Illegal activities

The name of the company should not contain words that imply any illegal activities.

How to Choose the Right Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online?

The selection of an appropriate name is the most crucial step of Private Limited Company registration Process. Here, in this section of blog, we will provide you points that you should remember during Private Limited Company Registration in India. If you choose the right name, then it will help it will help you to avoid legal consequences. Here are the points-

  • Conducting thorough search

It will be better for you to make sure that your proposed name has yet to be taken by any existing company. For this, you have to check the availability of the name on the official website of MCA i.e. Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Click here and understand how you can check the name availability.

  • Trademark Research

It would help if you also had to check whether any trademark has been registered with your proposed name via Trademark Public Search Link provided on MCA portal.

  • Check the availability of domain name

You should make sure whether the domain name is available for the website of your company.

  • Remember the Industry

While choosing the name, you should have to remember about the industry in which your company will operate.

  • Target Audience

When you select the company name for the Pvt Ltd Company Registration online, you should choose a name that connects you with your target audience. It will also help in building trust & credibility.

  • Legal compliance

You have to make sure that your proposed name complies with legal guidelines & restrictions that have been prescribed under Companies Act 2013.

  • Cultural & linguistic factors

While choosing the company name, you should consider cultural and linguistic factors so that your chosen company name will be appropriate and meaningful.

Rejection of the Proposed Company Name to Register Pvt Ltd Company Online

It has yet to be 100% sure that you will get your chosen name. CRC, Central Registration Centre, Ministry of Corporate Affairs can reject the proposed name of your Private Limited Company Registration under some specific circumstances. Here, in this section, we will discuss about the situations and reasons of the rejection of your selected name. Here are the possible circumstances-

  • If it includes a trademark that has been registered under the Trademark Act 1999 & the Trademark Rules.
  • If it includes any word that can be offensive to a specific section of the people.
  • When the main business of your company is leasing, financing, investments, securities, chit funds etc. but your proposed name does not indicate the financial activities of the company.
  • If the main business of the company is not leasing, financing, investments, securities or chit funds but the name of the company indicates these activities.
  • When your proposed name closely resembles to the name or trademark of any existing company.
  • If it contains the word ‘British India’.
  • If it includes the word ‘State’.
  • When your proposed company name implies the connection with any government person
  • If it contains the name of any country, state, continent or city.
  • If it implies the connection with a consulate or embassy of a foreign government

Final Words

Choosing an appropriate name for your company is the crucial step of the Private Limited Company Registration process. It can be not very clear for the aspiring entrepreneurs to select the right company name as per the naming guidelines prescribed under Companies Act 2013. You can navigate this complicated stage by following the above mentions points. You can also seek the expert guidance of professionals like Legal Pillers.

Legal Pillers has a dedicated team of experts that helps you in selecting the appropriate company name. We will provide you the guidance to finalize the company name during Pvt Ltd Company registration Online. With our help you can complete the registration process effortlessly following the selection of a correct name for your company. So, what are you waiting for? Choose Legal Pillers as your trusted partner and finalize an appropriate name for your company as per the naming guidelines. 


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